#57 – A Personal Vision of the Work in Colombia – 2024
At the National Encounter of Elders in Pereira in November 2023 I had the opportunity to share some of my personal observations under the title ‘Vision for the ... -
V25 – King Amaziah – 2 Chronicles 25
Is your heart divided? Knowing how we humans work, Jesus said “No-one can serve two masters” (Mat 6:24). Amaziah “did what was right in the eyes of the ... -
#56 – Towards a safe LGBTQ+ friendly church
About our relationship with brothers and sisters (and guests) with homo or trans feelings or with related lifestyle choices. Some congregations choose not to talk about this. Perhaps ... -
Zonde: oogst geen dood in je leven
‘Zonde… oogst geen dood in je leven’. Wat houdt zonde in? Wat doet zonde met ons en anderen? Hoe erg is het? “Wie zich niet uitstrekt naar ... -
#55 – Fix your eyes on Jesus
Afraid? Stressed? Confused? Tired? Bored? Joyless? Discouraged? If you are to run well, with perseverance, without growing weary or losing heart, you need to… • Fix your eyes ... -
V21 – Anger in Gods Service
In my own heart I have noticed growing irritation when I see how some politicians and media outlets silence alternative voices and promote half-truths in order to advance ... -
Iedereen zijn eigen waarheid? Kan dat?
Wat doen we als broeders en zusters ontdekken dat we verschillende meningen en interpretaties van de Schrift hebben? Is tolerantie een uiting van genade? Kunnen we iets zeker ... -
De Wonderbare Picknick
Toen ze in de woestijn waren, gaf God de Israëlieten manna te eten (een zoet brood). Het lag elke ochtend zomaar op de grond. De grote menigte die ... -
V20 – Meeting as Church Physically
Being a digital church is like eating a defrosted microwave meal. It helps and it is better than nothing. But we all prefer a freshly prepared meal or ... -
#54 – Meeting as Church after Covid-19
Why change from following online services at home? The Lord can speak and encourage us through both digital and physical meetings. He can also rebuke and correct us ...