#52 – Psalm 107 – Expressing Gratitude
Psalm 107 starts with a clear call to all those who have been redeemed to recognize God’s goodness in their ... -
#42 – Intercultural Romantic Relationships
You will meet people from other cultures nearly everywhere, at school, at work, at sport clubs, at church. You do ... -
De Wonderbare Picknick
Toen ze in de woestijn waren, gaf God de Israëlieten manna te eten (een zoet brood). Het lag elke ochtend ... -
#34 – Assembly Distinctives
Many Christian congregations around the world have been influenced by the Brethren Movement. How could you recognize a Brethren assembly ... -
#6 – Doers of the Word
We all find it much easier to discuss the Christian faith than to live it. The apostle James was painfully ... -
V18 – The Wedding of the Lamb
The way you imagine this wedding of the Lamb will probably depend on the weddings you have gone to. Weddings ...