Specific Silence – Exploring the Participation of Women in Church Meetings
This is written to help elders, church leaders and concerned believers
In this short book (79 pages) I present a gender complementarian view for the participation of men and women in Church meetings in which both brothers and sisters may ‘pray and prophecy’ (which includes activities such as suggest a song, share a personal testimony and read a Bible text) and only suitable qualified men may teach the Word (teach and prophecy are different activities) and engage in church leadership (be an elder). The proposed theological framework is based on the Creation Order (derived from Genesis 1-3), and built on the four key Bible texts in the New Testament that help us to understand how this Creation Order should be expressed in the church meetings: Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Corinthians 14, and 1 Timothy 2.
This writing reflects my personal theological journey within the Brethren Movement context (that is my background and my main area of service), but its content, reasoning, methodology and suggested applications will be of interest to all Bible students, regardless of their theological tradition and background.
German translation Published in Germany by CMD – October 2018