#57 – A Personal Vision of the Work in Colombia – 2024

At the National Encounter of Elders in Pereira in November 2023 I had the opportunity to share some of my personal observations under the title ‘Vision for the Work’. After presenting these 7 points there was a constructive dialogue. Some brothers suggested that I put these thoughts down on paper so that more brothers and sisters in Colombia could reflect and discuss these priorities, so that in each locality they could seek the Lord’s direction and priorities for 2024. Please do not read this writing as criticism. My aim is to edify, so that together we can foster an environment where Christ, as the Head of His Church, may more freely do His work among us. Upon request, I have now translated these thoughts into english for the benefit and inspiration of a a wider readership.

  1. Spiritual reality
  2. Families
  3. Leadership
  4. Spiritual food
  5. Pastotarl work
  6. Activity of susters
  7. Being light

A personal vision

Priorities for 2024


Una visión personal

(Español) Prioridades para el 2024


Eine persönliche Vision
