#36 – Living the Truth: 1 John

Like the varying instruments in jazz music, the apostle John alternates between a number of important themes, bringing home a powerful message with distinct simplicity and clarity. Five times he shares with his readers the burden the Lord has laid in his heart. These five reasons for writing may be remembered using five words: fellowship, joy, sin, truth and certainty.

Living the Truth

5 pages | Eindhoven, NL – 2012


Doe de Waarheid

6 pagina’s | Eindhoven, NL – 2012

Vertaald door: Moniek Venhuizen


Vivre la vérité

5 pages | Eindhoven, NL – 2012


Die Wahrheit leben

6 Seiten | Eindhoven, Niederlande – 2012

Übersetzung: Peter Hoddenbagh


Trăind în Adevăr

6 pagini | Eindhoven, NL – 2012

Traducator: Daniel Simion
