#22 – Growing in Time of Crisis

Perhaps life has taken a strange turn for you recently. The Lord sometimes uses times of crisis to draw us closer to Himself, to clean us, to speak to us, to help us grow. Here we draw some lessons as we look at how this happened to Isaiah.

Growing in Times of Crisis

4 pages | Eindhoven, NL – 2008


Groeien in Tijden van Crisis

5 pagina’s | Eindhoven, NL – 2008

Vertaling: Albert van Klinken


Creciendo en temporadas de crisis

5 páginas | Eindhoven, Holanda – 2008

Traducido por: Alison Villafañe


Grandir en période de crise

5 pages | Eindhoven, NL – 2008

Traduit par : Florence Delacoux


Wachsen in Krisenzeiten

5 Seiten | Eindhoven, NL – 2008

Übersetzung: Hanny Rychen


Crescere in Tempi di Crisi

4 pagine | Eindhoven, NL – 2008

Traduzione: Fausta Tomba
