To Download

All the written material on this website is offered in Adobe readable format. You will need Adobe Reader. If you do not have this software, you may download a free copy of this useful program onto your computer from the following website:

Once you have and article on your screen, you may transfer all of it (or any part of it) to your favourite word-processing software. The Adobe format used allows you to extract anything you need without altering the original document. Once you have it on your word processing package, you are free to change it in any way you want.

To Cut

You are now looking at the article in Adobe Reader. Click on SELECT displayed on the tool bar above. You will notice that the cursor will change form a little hand to a vertical little line.

Now you can highlight the part of the writing you wish to transfer, click on EDIT and then click on COPY.

If you wish to transfer all the article or e-Book, you can click on EDIT and then click on SELECT-ALL.

To Paste

Close Adobe Reader and open a document in your favourite word-processing software package (Word, Lotus, OpenOffice, etc). Place the cursor in the part of the document where you wish to insert the transferred material. Then click on EDIT, and then click on PASTE. The desired material should then appear on your document.