Bible Course: Should I be Baptized?

We have prepared these pages to help new Christians understand the symbolic meaning of Baptism. It answers some of the common questions and then encourages obedience to the Lord Jesus: to get baptized. The material can also be rearranged and used to teach a series of baptism classes. Alternatively, the ten lessons in this course may be studied in the presentation of Emmaus International.



Should I be Baptized?

44 pages | Carlos Villamil and Philip Nunn – Colombia, Sur América

English edition: 2010


¿Debo ser bautizado?

41 páginas | Carlos Villamil y Felipe Nunn – Colombia, Sur América

Edición en Español: 2010


Moet ik me laten Dopen?

Carlos Villamil en Philip Nunn – Een Emmaus Studie

Nederlands editie: 2015
